How does desire work?

Mar 29, 2024
Desire, regardless of its consequences, very often leads to intercourse with another person and is almost always directly related to the current state of the body and mind. Lust can be rooted in sincere feeling, but also in an obsessive desire for someone or a desire to dominate someone. What is lust? When does it start and when does it end? Is lust the same as love? Read the article to the end to discover the mechanisms that govern human nature.

What is lust?

Lust is a fairly short definition, meaning a strong desire for someone or something that is particularly valuable in our eyes, or a strong sexual attraction to the same or opposite sex. This feeling is usually strong and is based mainly on physical attractiveness. How does desire arise and when does it end? Can lust be equated with desire or excitement. How is lust different from love (if they can be distinguished).

How does desire arise and when does it end?

Desire from the desire for love: how does desire arise?

Desire is an emotion and is born unconsciously. According to psychologists, desire is conditioned by the internal need for survival, and its main goal is to prolong the species. The way we feel desire depends on external factors such as appearance, smell, hormones and signals sent to the subconscious. In other words, desire is the result of chemical reactions that take place in the body without our participation.

Desire from the desire for control: how it arises.

How does desire arise? Its source is the desire to possess and dominate someone. First of all, it results from a narcissistic perception of the world and the desire to satisfy one’s own ego. It is an emotion that has nothing to do with caring for others or wishing them well. People guided solely by their own self-interest (including sexual satisfaction) pose a serious threat to the community of adult erotic daters. On the other hand, some social advertising explicitly guarantees compliance and obedience. Despite similar erotic preferences, rules should be established and respected.

Desire: when it ends.

Lust is an emotion that has nothing to do with us. It arises from stimuli such as attractive sex advertisements and lasts for some time. Desire can wane for many reasons, such as stress or the development of new technologies. People stay connected, but they forget how many emotions are associated with touch. One solution is sex dating, although they are only available to certain people (due to personal preferences). It is also worth using video chats, which are part of adult dating websites.

The difference between lust and arousal.

Desire is often identified with desire and excitement. On the other hand, these terms should not be used interchangeably, mainly due to differences in definitions.

Desire is intentional, which means that in order to desire someone, you have to know that person. Desire depends on your attitude towards that person. Lust can occur during sexual dating, but often only during intercourse.

Desire is a strong desire to satisfy a lack. Sometimes it is identified with a longing for something to happen. Unlike desire, arousal enables expectations to be met.

Arousal develops differently in each sex and means readiness to engage in sexual activity. This is an emotional state in which blood pressure increases (due to the release of adrenaline) and the body is ready for sexual intercourse.

Lust and love. Difference

Distinguishing between the emotions of love and lust is quite difficult. However, they are not the same because they activate related areas of the brain. How to tell them apart. If the feeling you have for a particular person is "just" lust, then it probably is:
- For example, you experience a feeling of softness in your knees,
- Sex is satisfying, but friendship is not. If not on the bed...
- Despite physical closeness, you don’t think about the future with this person.

Desire felt by women and men.

Desire is felt by both women and men, but the way these feelings are felt differs between men and women.
Female desire is usually reactive, meaning it is triggered by an external stimulus such as a touch, a word, or a scene in a movie.
Men’s desire is often spontaneous, which means they want sex here and now, without specific stimulation.

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